Oculus Escapades 6 VR
Oculus Escapades 6 VR stand-alone experience!!!
Oculus Escapade can be added to any package for as lowest $15 for a 90 min rental.
Oculus Escapades 6 VR stand-alone experience.
Experience virtual reality with or without the game truck. We have an abundance of virtual reality educational programs that kids will enjoy and learn from too!
Education Programs
The People's White House (with President Obama and First Lady Michelle)
Timelines - Cold War, Vietnam & 1968 events
Wander with Friends - Choose any address on the world map and beam away
Ocean Rift - Explore the ocean and its inhabitants
Titans of Space - Learn about our Solar System
​Social Studies - The Civil Rights Movement
Apollo 11 - Be an astronaut for a day
Geography - Quiz yourself on the global map
6 X 9 - Learn about the hard life of solitary confinement
Gala 360 Travel & Relax - Travel, relax and explore the world.
But wait...there is still more! If you are planning an all adult, employee or kids only party, the Oculus Escapades 6 VR stand-alone experience is for you too! We have a party pack of fun and exciting games. But be warned!! Some games are not for the "faint of heart".
Party Pack Games
Escape Room VR*
Drop Dead**
Epic Rollercoaster
Richies Plank Experience
Racket Fury
Dead and Buried**
Angry Birds
Afflicted Manor**
*Great for Team Building
**For Mature audiences only
End Space
Death Horizon**
Coaster Combat
Smash the Beats
Merry Snowballs
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes*
Real VR Fishing